philanthropy engineering program

We dream and work hard to build a different society.

We apply our people, products and resources to support initiatives and organizations dedicated to improve human lives through sports and education.

Our goal is to help them to achieve their goals and close the gap between reality and their inspired visions.
“Sport has the power to change the world.
It has the power to inspire.
It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does.
It speaks to youth in a language they understand.
Sport can create hope where once there was only despair.
It is more powerful than government in breaking down racial barriers.”
Nelson Mandela

social entrepreneurship

Scouters are visionaries, but also realists, and we are ultimately concerned with the practical implementation of scalable solutions.
Before starting Scoutfy, we looked around and asked ourselves, what problems exist in our society?
And how can we be part of the solution?
All of us had a background with sports and believed in the unmeasurable impact it can have on people's lives. So we started to look at these problems from a different perspective, see them as opportunities, and shine light on the solutions. We gathered a team possessing not only skills, but also empathy and audacity. Scouters must have the empathy to identify problems, innate behaviors, needs and what means to develop products on a  human-centered design approach. And they must have the audacity to face the challenges and bring solutions.

Scoutfy is all about the people we are designing for, how our work can help them live better lives and how we can impact society as a whole by addressing social issues.
We need donations to support the expansion of our Philanthropy Enginnering Program  >
“The significant problems we face today can not be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”
Albert Einstein

we choose technology to solve them!

how we support & current areas of focus

We partner with recognized organizations and provide our technology and expertise often for free, or at a significant discount, because we want nonprofits and government segments to take advantage of our amazing products.
We work together with NGOs and Foundations that promote:
_ Management eficency and performance;
_ Governance, transparency and accountability in sporting organizations;
_ Reduce information asymmetry between confederations, sporting organizations, sponsors, athletes and professionals;
_ Increase the engagement and influence of athletes and professionals in elections, and decision making process of their sporting organizations;
_ Support public policies for sports, education and wellness;
_ Support athletes and sports professionals associations;
_ Sports development and diffusion through engagement, integration and communication;
Organizations that we would like to donate and offer our platform:
We have seen many lives being transformed through sports. We desire to give children new opportunities that bring hope and happiness so they can fully experience their childhoods and give back meaning to their lives.

We strongly believe that sports have an immeasurable impact on youth. The benefits reach beyond physical well-being. The belonging spirit and social integration provided by team sports as well as the discipline and concentration required by individual sports are some of the valuable educational benefits that we want to endorse.
Imagine how many extraordinary human beings who are able to overcome unreachable limits and set new world records are still undiscovered. Those who will live all their lives in anonymity and in the shadows of society, without having the opportunity to explore their potential and challenge themselves.

We apply our technology to discover these talents as soon as possible, giving them incredible opportunities to transform their lives and enjoy a fulfilling existence. Sports have the power to transform lives!
We need donations to support the expansion of our Philanthropy Enginnering Program  >

We donate our Platform for more than 106 NGOs

children assisted

* In Brazil we donate the premium subscription to REMS and all its 104 members and some other organizations.
Imagine how many extraordinary human beings who are able to overcome unreachable limits and set new world records are still undiscovered. Those who will live all their lives in anonymity and in the shadows of society, without having the opportunity to explore their potential and challenge themselves.

We apply our technology to discover these talents as soon as possible, giving them incredible opportunities to transform their lives and enjoy a fulfilling existence. Sports have the power to transform lives!
Organizations that we would like to donate and offer our platform:

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The Scoutfy operation, as well as the initiatives promoted by our philanthropy engineering program, supports important Unites Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

physical literacy

choosing physical activity for life
“Physical literacy can be described as the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.” - IPLA

Physical literacy can contribute to human flourishing by providing experiences that are meaningful to the individual - pleasurable, rewarding, satisfying, developing self confidence and self esteem, providing an opportunity to be the decision maker.

Living a rich and rewarding life with the opportunity and freedom to develop chosen aspects of human nature to which a person attaches intrinsic value.