Our technology working for research advancement.
Our place to network, research, investigate, discover, design, create, test, evaluate, build, fail and rebuild.

We support promising researches and initiatives that envision continuous improvements, incremental and disruptive innovations, pushing sports forward.

We engage researchers, data scientists, sports and healthcare professionals, professors, athletes, sporting organizations, government leaders, executives and entrepreneurs.

It is part of our commitment to innovation.
"In God we trust, all others bring data.”
Framed plaque from the ‘60s at NASA’s Johnson Space Center

our technology working for
research advancement

We are living in an era where the Internet is spreading quickly, with frequent launchings of revolutionary wearable devices and Smartphones that are always with us and within the reach of millions. We think that the world still underestimates the potential and  impact of these technologies and the extraordinary opportunities they can create.

Scoutfy believes that these devices allied to our technology can be a powerful tool for research. One of the most profound changes and positive impact that we will make through research is on wellness, health and sports science.

When we were working on Scoutfy, we talked to a lot of sports scientists, data scientists, coaches, strength and conditioning trainers, physiotherapists, researchers and medical experts. It was evident that these professionals were unsatisfied with the methods for conducting research and its outcome.  Some of the challenges they face are due to archaic processes that really haven’t changed in decades.

Difficulty to recruit, inconvenience and low frequency in data collection, insignificant samples, bad cross-section of the population, inadequate data collection, inappropriate analysis, and others are recurring problems researchers face leading to disappointing and inconclusive results.  We really need to change the way we conduct research and our technology has the power to transform this reality.

This is how Scoutfy is improving sports science and medical research all over the world:
One of the biggest challenges researchers have is recruiting because techniques are still incredibly obsolete: ignored flyers, letters with an insignificant response rate, paying for collaborators. Beyond being obsolete and inefficient, these techniques also affect the end result of researches since it does not give you the best cross-selection of the population. By transforming your smartphone or computer in a research device, it will be effortless to collaborate for research. Recruitment will happen naturally.
A consequence of difficulty to recruit is small sample sizes, which ends up limiting our comprehension about several topics such as wellness, health and sports science. Scoutfy is trying to change the scale of the amount of data you can collect. We want you to be able to engage unmatched numbers of collaborators and sizeable geographic areas. All so we can finally get suitable results and promote real improvements in people’s lives.
The solution will be in our hands. Literally. Scoutfy created a really cool, casual and intuitive way for everyone to collaborate on impactful researches. And we don’t need to change anything on people’s routines. Just keep doing what you are doing and we will make sure that your data gets to the experts.
Have you ever thought about being able to send surveys directly to people’s phones?  Send surveys as often as you need, at almost no cost! In the sports world, create samples according to sports, level, category, or age for athletes, or choose samples according to profession for coaches, trainers, etc. This is a real game changer. This is how Scoutfy will revolutionize research.
Other issues are subjective or unreliable data and proper volume of information about high-performance athletes.
Through Scoutfy and our partnerships, you can create a data history for high-performance athletes with professional guidance. It’s a lifetime of data for each collaborator.
Envision all you can uncover and attain from such comprehensive information.
This will impact the sports community all over the world.
"Scientific Research around the world commonly does not use data from high-performance athletes."   
Irineu Loturco - Executive Director and Sports Scientist at NAR - Núcleo de Alto Rendimento Esportivo de São Paulo
Efficient communication between the Research Institutions or Researchers and the collaborators
No more unanswered letters or avoided phone calls, now all communication is one “send” away. And you will be able to see when the message was sent, received and read. Satisfaction through convenience in communication.
Advanced Engine to structure and analyze data
Assist in building pioneer methodologies. Scoutfy allows collection, analysis and interpretation of data with academic support and methodological criteria.
Collect, structure, analyze and export collaborator’s data so you can gain knowledge about each individual and about the whole.
Preserving the collaborators’ identity and the privacy of their data
We understand your personal data is personal. So you can submit your data anonymously if you wish to do so. You choose which institutions to support and in which research projects you wish to participate.
You choose how to share your data; it is yours after all.
Our technology working for you through...
Collection, analysis and interpretation of data with academic support and methodological criteria;
Body Measurements;
Anthropometric Evaluations;
Physiological Evaluations;
Biomechanical Evaluations;
Strength, Power and Speed Evaluations;

Leading to...

Pioneer Training Methodologies;
Science through Advanced Research;
Scientific Publications and Knowledge Generation.

There are a lot of occurrences in sports performance, training improvement, injuries recovery and  post-treatment symptoms that are not yet well understood. One of the things Scoutfy will do is put individuals at the center of research. So we can give them the insight and the tools they need to improve their wellness, health and performance.

All these benefits could represent more conclusive researches, better outcomes and new discoveries.

Scoutfy has always believed that we can do unimaginable things as long as we have the right tools.

We can’t wait to see what a bright and passionate research community can achieve partnering with S.S.S.I. and using Scoutfy technologies.

our partnerships with research centers and sports science organizations